What a busy week......it all started last Saturday after work, when my friend and I went looking for bits of furniture to do up.Ended up getting a sideboard,chest of drawers,a half table and some pretty rose china.My friend got a lovely round table with 4 chairs for her new home that she will paint and make beautiful.We loaded up the ute with as much as we could fit in.
Then Sunday hubby and I laid carpet in the bedrooms all day.Boy I have found muscles I did'nt know existed.This renovating thing ceratinly keeps you fit!!Back to work Monday and then some sadness when our dog passed away in the early hours of Tuesday morning ,which was my daughters 14th birthday(of all days!.He was a great dane and was 11 and a half which is a pretty good innings as they usually live to about 10.We are all heartbroken, but at least he is'nt in any pain now.They become part of the family,dont they?
That same day my Nan had a fall so I took her to the doctor and then for xrays.She has a broken knee cap.....ouch!!!In between all this we managed to paint a couple of the bits of furniture which I will show you here.

And a pic of some other lovelies.
So I have filled you in on my crazy week....hope the next one is better!
Have a great weekend
Lucinda x