Cant believe it's Saturday already.This time next Saturday I will be in Melbourne for the Gift Fair.Cant wait!!!!I've never been to the Melbourne fair before.My hubby is coming too and I dont know who is worse at going over the budget, him or I .My motherin law has generously offered to mind the kids(and do the sport runaround) so it will be nice to have a few days away,even if it will be hectic.Hoping to find some great ideas for Xmas and also some more pretties for the shop.Will keep you posted.For now I thought I'd show you the new floor rug that came in this week.I did have another colour but sold out.They are really lovely ,also I have some new bags.I love the chenille effect of the spotty one.They retail for $24.95,and are great for carrying all your goodies.Hope you have a great weekend,chat again soon!