This is when we first started digging the holes for the piers.The bit at the back(where the gas hot water is) was my laundry(that has since been demolished).That is hubby working hard.So glad we remembered to take before photo's.

Now the next photo is just going to look like a web of frames, I
dont know if you can make it out but that doorway goes into our room and then on the left will be the ensuite and next to that the walk-in -robe.Fantastic.
Anyway the cladding arrived today so we will soon be up to lock up.Yay!

So there you go a tour of the extensions.I will keep you posted on the progress.
Thought I'd quickly show you a lovely shabby chic bedside that David from shabbilyrestored did up.Is'nt it a sweetie? Looks fantabulous in the shop.
Okay that's all from me today have a lovely weekend everyone!
Lucinda xx